Rod & Val Palmer
Pastors Rod and Val Palmer were born and raised in Zimbabwe. They helped plant a church in Harare and then moved to South Africa to assist with a church plant in Cape Town. In 2004, God called them to start a church in Flagler Beach.
Rod has a true “Pastor’s heart” and Val is a gifted teacher. They desire that each individual knows they are loved, valued and accepted. They are passionate and dedicated to see families restored and to parent this generation and the next into their purpose and destiny.
They have three children, Nathan, Daniel and Natalie, and two grandchildren, Chase & Wyatt

Fred & Denise Steyn

Pastors Fred & Denise Steyn grew up in the Eastern Cape of South Africa and have two children, John & Jenna.
They served as volunteers and led ministries together and were called into full-time ministry when they moved to Chicago to help with a church plant. They now serve as pastors at Coastal Family Church. Their hearts are to see families and individuals restored and living in the freedom Christ paid for and to see breakthrough and the advancement of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
They desire to see God glorified through worship and creative media and to be a mouthpiece for what is on God's heart.
We are here to help and we want to get to know you.